Greenwich Chamber of Commerce launched its first survey of business members to determine what prevailing attitudes are toward the current business climate. This survey was sent to approximately 1,300 Chamber Member Representatives.
Results included the following:
- 61% of respondents reported that business conditions were better than last year; only 10% reported that conditions were worse.
- 72% expected conditions this year to be better than last year; only 5% expected it to be worse.
- Impediments to growing business included finding new clients (43%); regulations and permits (22%); finding skilled labor (20%) and other (20%), primarily regarding traffic and parking.
- Among respondents who do business in other towns, demand for business products and services was rated higher in Greenwich. However the cost of real estate, difficulty in sourcing employees and the local regulatory environment were viewed as worse in Greenwich compared to other neighboring areas.
- The Town departments viewed most favorably were Schools, Police, Fire, and Community Development.
- Businesses reported the most dissatisfaction with Planning and Zoning, Parking, and Inland Wetlands and Watercourses.
According to the Chamber statement, the survey confirms that Greenwich remains a town where Chamber businesses can grow and our town remains highly desirable in terms of its services.
The Chamber plans to build better communication between the business community and Town Hall. The results of the survey will guide this effort.
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