April McMurray and Dom Delfino, Jr. at Joey B’s, June 5, 2018 Photo: Nick Fiore
To most people who have lived in Greenwich for a few years, Joey B’s is a favorite spot for great food that doesn’t try to fit into any category or fill any specific niche.
Everything that they offer is great tasting and well prepared. The setting is reminiscent of an old-fashioned diner, and everyone is gracious and polite.
The genuine feel of the restaurant is complimented by the simple, yet fantastic food. Her are a few favorites and recommendations.
First on the list is the Classic Burger, which is exactly what it sounds like. Even though there is no twist or extra ingredient, it is a great tasting meal and never disappoints: The patty is always juicy but firm, the bun is light and perfectly compliments the whole, and the toppings – tomato, lettuce, and cheese, if you choose – all add up to make a simple burger taste like heaven.

The classic burger and the grilled chicken melt. June 5, 2018 Photo: Nick Fiore
Another fantastic choice to order is the Cali Wrap, which features grilled chicken, Swiss cheese, lettuce, tomato, bacon, and avocado with Russian dressing.
The key here is the individual flavors and textures that all mix perfectly together. This kind of sandwich is especially good in a wrap, which holds everything together well and adds just enough flavor to keep things interesting.

The Cali wrap. June 5, 2018 Photo: Nick Fiore
The grilled chicken melt is another great choice, and possibly a Critic’s favorite. It’s made up of chicken, bacon, cheese, and chipotle sauce, which again feel perfect together. The chipotle sauce makes the sandwich, as the not-quite-spicy but savory flavor compliments the chicken well. The cheese and bacon add a salty taste to the mix, rounding out the sandwich.

The Pittsburger which is grilled cheese hamburger with cole slaw and french fries, all inside the bread.
An occasional special is the Pittsburger, a divine option that was on the menu on Tuesday. The Pittsburger is essentially a grilled cheese hamburger with cole slaw and french fries – all inside the toasted bread. Try it, you’ll like it!
Of course, you can’t go to Joey B’s without ordering one of their signature milkshakes. All of them are creamy and delicious and they go well with any meal – especially on a hot day.
To request a visit from Cardinal Critics to review what’s popular at your Greenwich eatery, email GFP editor Leslie Yager at Leslie.Yager@gmail.com with a notation “Cardinal Critics request” in the subject line!
The Cardinal Critics series on Greenwich Free Press was the brainchild of GHS alum Kai Sherwin class of 2017. His hungry team made their way through Greenwich restaurant, deli and pizza parlor menus – everything in between.
This spring Nick Fiore and other GHS seniors doing their internships at GFP, have taken up the Cardinal Critics mantle.
While the students do attend GHS, where the mascot is the Cardinal, the views expressed in Cardinal Critics reviews are not affiliated with Greenwich High School.