Governor Dannel Malloy and CT Dept of Housing Commissioner Evonne Klein announced on Thursday that nearly $23 million in state funding is being awarded to support the development of affordable housing in six communities across the state as part of the latest round of funding under the state’s Competitive Housing Assistance for Multifamily Properties program.
These awards will play a role in helping to create, rehabilitate, or preserve more than 200 units of affordable housing and greatly expanding access to mixed income and supportive housing units. These new units are essential in the state’s work to prevent and end homelessness.
“We have done more in affordable housing over the past several years than Connecticut has in decades – and this is yet another step in that direction,” Governor Malloy said. “These units will help hundreds of families, support municipalities, attract talented workers, contribute to our economic growth, and create the communities that will be more competitive in today’s business climate.”
“Connecticut has invested a billion dollars to expand housing options – funding that has spurred economic development, attracted business, and helped our communities become affordable to a young workforce,” Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman said. “These grants not only ensure continued progress, they also reflect our commitment to our cities and towns and the work they are doing on housing affordability.”
The CHAMP program, which is administered by DOH, provides developers and owners of multifamily affordable housing the necessary gap financing to create more affordable units in their developments.
“Affordable housing is a key component of economic growth and stability,” Commissioner Klein said. “These investments throughout the state ensure Connecticut’s continued economic recovery and the ability to remain an attractive state to call home, work, and raise a family. The CHAMP funding rounds provide an excellent opportunity for municipalities to attract a workforce, keep seniors in their community, give young families a start, and provide a stable home to someone experiencing homelessness. We’ve made real progress in the State of Connecticut, and these investments will ensure we can keep the momentum going.”
Since 2011, the state has created, rehabilitated, and preserved 9,636 affordable housing units. An additional 3,235 affordable units are under construction, and funding commitments are in place to create approximately 5,200 more units. The state’s investment in affordable housing totals about $1 billion dollars – a testament to the high level of commitment that is being made to prevent and end homelessness, while ensuring every resident has a place to call home. This investment in the housing industry has spurred another $2.5 billion in direct economic activity across the state.
The five communities are Hartford’s Powerhouse Apartments, New Britain’s Courtland Arms, Bridgeport’s West Liberty Commons, Middletown’s Mary Shepherd Home and North Haven’s Clintonville Commons.