The Greenwich Police Department has issued a reminder that most fireworks are illegal in Connecticut. The only legal “Fireworks” items in Connecticut are “sparklers and fountains.” Sparklers are NON-EXPLOSIVE, NON-AERIAL devices that contain less than 100 grams of pyrotechnic mixture. Sparklers can only be legally used by person age 16 or older.
When explaining to the average citizen what a legal consumer firework is versus an illegal firework, officers often simplify the explanation to: If it goes “pop” or “flies around” it’s no good. If it makes pretty colors in a shower of “sparks” it’s OK. Even the small hand held sparklers can burn at over 1200 degrees and should NOT be put into the hands of children. Everyone should also be mindful of the potential fire hazard and potential injuries to pets from fireworks.
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has a very strong position against the use of any consumer fireworks because they are so inherently dangerous and says that sparklers, purchased by many parents for use with small children, can ignite clothes and grass. “Sparklers actually burn at about 1,200 degrees. These store-bought fireworks can be especially risky to use after draught conditions, threatening nearby brush. The NFPA recommends families attend professional displays, run by experts trained in pyrotechnics, instead of lighting fireworks themselves. The group has created a website,, to teach kids about good choices.
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